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Friday, January 13, 2023

Keeping Your Marriage Successful

  Keeping your Marriage flame burning 💓💓

Yes! Your marriage was once so happy on the day of your wedding! You can still keep the flame and happiness burning. First you must learn to be a happy person, once you are happy all around you will be happy. 

Marriage requires a lot of effort and sacrifice to keep things going, be dutifully  engage with what makes your partner happy and see how calm and peace restores to your home. 

How Happy can I be in my marriage and home? 

As long as you have the balanced mindset and willing to love your partner unconditionally, things will flow for you both. Forgiving spirit should be alive to keep you both going. Never think it's too late to apologize and try to make peace with your partner. A loving and time continue loving partner is a gift to the home you build together. 

Let the peace of Heaven fill your home, should be your daily word in your marriage. don't compare your marriage with others, every marriage has it's challenges. trust me it is not greener on the other end. It takes effort, commitment and care to see the end of the day ahead. 

Love your partner as your self, as Christ loves  the church. submit to your partner and be willing to pilot the affairs of your home with mutual understanding.  

Building a home with understanding and partnership is better than stressing to be perfect or antagonizing your partner. 

Show love and understanding at all times. let your marriage flourish in peace and in good health. 

Until I write again. Let your marriage be a peace 👫

Saturday, March 17, 2012


The foundational considerations for lasting and joyful family relationships include:

mutual respect
faith in God
clarity of purpose
family values

Find a relationship that has endured and you will find these elements at its foundation are well developed from dating period and over time. Find a relationship that has collapsed and you’ll find that these virtues were lacking or were not strengthened over time. Those men/women relationships that are still there that lack these elements are one of the hundreds of millions of marriage relationships that are mere caricature of the real thing. Many involved confess being trapped, confused, and running high-blood pressure. It takes a life time to build up and sustain the marriage relationships that are well founded. What is the hope for those built upon the sand of sexual intimacy? Most relationships are hanging on because children are involved, or the partners are afraid of what people would say or being seen as failures.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Tips for Getting into Shape and Saving Your Marriage

Plenty of marriages have failed for various reasons. If you let yourself go, then you can certainly expect your husband to start complaining about it. Getting out of shape can easily happen over the course of a few years if you aren't careful about preventing it.

If your husband is complaining about you being out of shape, then you don't have to sit back and take it. All you need to get back into shape is motivation and the right mindset. The following tips will help you in your quest to lose weight.

One of the most important things to do is to start eating healthy foods and a balanced diet. Drinking plenty of water is very important. Since our bodies are composed mostly of water, you should consume about eight cups of water every single day.

There have been many different diet fads over the past few years. Many people start following the newest thing that hits the market. If a particular diet plan hasn't been proven to work, you may not want to waste much time testing it out for yourself.

It's not a good idea to starve yourself and call it dieting either. Our bodies need various minerals and nutrients in order to keep functioning like it's supposed to. Fruits, vegetables, and meats will provide these essential vitamins and minerals.

Fruit isn't something that many people have much of a problem eating. However, most people don't make much of an effort to consume a wide variety of vegetables. There are plenty of recipes that can be enhanced with a few different vegetables to fulfill your needs. People who eat plenty of soups will have an easy time adding more vegetables to them.

Generally speaking, you need a certain amount of exercise in order to stay in the peak of health. The more exercise you get, the more calories you will burn. There are many different ways that you can accomplish this such as walking, biking, and jogging. Some people even buy a treadmill to put in their homes. It's vital that you actually use any equipment that you shell out a lot of money for.

It's not absolutely necessary to pay for equipment though. Paying a little bit of money every month to join a gym is a viable option. The only drawback of gym memberships is that you'll have to make time in your schedule to actually get down there.

Getting back into shape to help save your marriage isn't all that hard. The tips that were discussed in the above article will definitely put you on the right path

Monday, April 26, 2010


Altruism;Couples who put each other's happiness first are much more satisfied with
Their marriages than ones who don't
Friends; Some one-on-one time is necessary and nice, but you both also need a social
outlet, companionship, and support of others
Commitment; Total dedication to the relationship means you're more likely to work
at keeping it strong.
In-Jokes; They may sound like something out of junior high, but those pet names and
silly secrets help keep you connected.
Rituals; Things like texting "i love you", Tradition such as going to the same
restaurant every anniversary and nightly kisses energize and enrich you both

Monday, April 5, 2010

Heal a broken union

What Are The Foundations Of A Successful Marriage? - Your Tips To Save A Marriage

"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."This popular wedding vow is what most couples usually exchange in front of the altar or in front of the officiant during their wedding ceremonies. However, not every couple has kept to these vows as many people have considered divorce or separation as an option or as the next step after marriage.

According to Dr. Harold Bergman, a well-recognized marriage expert, marriage is a something to be cherished for a lifetime. However, he said, Marriage could give you a glimpse of heaven in one side or as much of hell at the others side.

Bergman believes that marriage is not easy and not even love alone can save a marriage from going wrong. He said that there are so many things that a couple should consider before getting married. They should be sure of the reason why they would want to get married whether it is because they want to create a family, or to have someone to spend their lives with, or simply for financial security.

Bergman advises couples on certain things to keep a strong and everlasting marriage. He said that marriage does not mean couples should lose their independence. It is important that the couple is still aware of their differences and their uniqueness.

The marriage expert also advises couples to keep anger in control and not to yell at each other. He suggests that when one is angry, give him or her space then settle down and discuss the problem. Couples should be able to resolve their misunderstanding before going to sleep and not leaving it to build up so much that marriage counseling seems the only way out!

Mistakes from the past should also be forgotten, said Bergman. Couples should not dwell on past issues or they would not be able to see the beautiful things already in their marriage. Instead, couples should make their spouses feel admired by saying something that makes him or her feel good such as how good he or she looks. Buying little presents also helps as long as they both make each other feel special and can help to save a marriage.

It is important to make someone feel loved to enhance the self-worth of both couples. As the popular poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning once wrote, "Make thy love larger to enlarge my worth."Popular psychologist Dr. Phil McGraw is also known to be a good marriage counselor. However, in the past 30 years of his marriage with wife Robin, he admitted that they were not always in harmony. However, understanding all the martial conflicts between them as a couple has helped them strengthen their marriage.

Dr. Phil said that marriage is hard work so couples should prepare themselves in such issues as how money would be handled or raising children. He said that it would be a problem not being ready for these issues. His advice for couples is to be realistic of what marriage involves. He said that couples should understand that marriage is not a long date. Great advice for anyone who needs to save a marriage

a woman asked me a
question. She said, "How do I know if I married
the right person?"

I noticed that there was a large man sitting next
to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your

In all seriousness, how do you know?

Here's the answer.

EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning,
you fell in love with your spouse. You
anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and
liked their idiosyncrasies.

Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In
fact, it was a completely spontaneous
experience. You didn't have to DO anything.
That's why it's called "falling" in love - because
it's happening TO YOU.

People in love sometimes say, "I was swept off my
feet." Think about the imagery of that
expression. It implies that you were just
standing there; doing nothing, and then something
came along and happened TO YOU.

Falling in love is easy. It's a passive and
spontaneous experience.

But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria
of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY
relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls
become a bother (if they come at all), touch is
not always welcome (when it happens), and your
spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute,
drive you nuts.

The symptoms of this stage vary with every
relationship, but if you think about your
marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference
between the initial stage when you were in love
and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

you too can help save some one's marriage.
send your comments,
ask questions on how to improve your relationship.
you can also Join our forum where you will be able to advice people
on marriage conflict and
building a strong relationship